
Cinema. It is the emotional expression of an artist through the medium of light and sound, created with an army and imagination. I am enamored with cinema, as I'm sure you must be, or you wouldn't be reading this. This article will not immerse you in philosophical banter -- that is for another blog. Instead, this article is going to outline what you can expect from this site and future posts.

Firstly, the articles you will find here are a creative exercise for myself. My intentions are to write critical analysis of motion pictures, be they old or new. If, however, my tastes change in some form or fashion, I will not hold back my desires to write of such things. On the other hand, I have started another blog for writings which stray too far from the intended nature of this page.

I do encourage critical analysis of my writings from others, such as yourself. If my structure does not flow or my ideas are disjointed, please, by all means, let me know. As I stated before, this is a creative exercise intended to further my writing abilities. I can only get better through your engaged responses.

To make this site the best that it can be I encourage you to participate and interact. Do you have a film you would like for me comment on? Curious about something you saw in a movie and want some help deciphering the mystery? By all means let me know. Consider this a place we can interact and stimulate intelligent conversation.

This should be fun.


  1. Did you see that last Harry Potter movie? Man, they went a little overboard with showing off the scenery on those transitions. Felt like the last fifteen minutes of the room.

  2. Schindler's list. I want to hear your spin.

  3. No, I have not seen the latest Harry Potter. Comparing it to The Room, however, does not entice me to do so any sooner.

    Schindler's List sounds like the perfect movie to start with. After I have my first couple of articles posted, which will set the groundwork for how I'm going to analyze the films, I will begin on Spielberg's movie right away.


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